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Inkampani inesikhungo sesifundazwe sobunjiniyela nobuchwepheshe futhi ihlome ngezinhlobonhlobo zokuhlola kanye nezinsiza zokuhlonza ucwaningo nokuthuthukiswa komkhiqizo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, imikhiqizo eminingana yeNkampani ilinganiselwe njengemikhiqizo yobuchwepheshe obuphezulu esiFundazweni sase-Jiangsu, kanye neNkampani. inamalungelo obunikazi obuchwepheshe angaphezu kuka-80 futhi ithatha amaphrojekthi amaningi ocwaningo nokuthuthukiswa kwesayensi nobuchwepheshe esifundazweni nekazwelonke.

  • Bulletproof UHMWPE UD Sheet Fabric

    Indwangu yeshidi le-UHMWPE UD elivikela inhlamvu

    125g/160g/200g/260g UHMWPE UD Bullet Proof Fabric
    Usayizi: 1.6 * 200m
    Isicelo:Ballistic Protection
    Indwangu:UHMWPE UD
    Isici:Isisindo Esilula
    Isitifiketi: ISO9001
    Ubukhulu: 0.2MM
    Material:uhmwpe fiber

  • UHMWPE Rope Bulletproof Balistic Fabric sheet

    I-UHMWPE Rope Bulletproof Balistic Fabric sheet

    Indawo Yomsuka: Jiangsu, China
    Igama lebrand: lirry
    Uhlobo: UHMWPE/Aramid
    Umbala: Mhlophe/Ophuzi
    Usayizi: 1.6 * 200m
    Isicelo: Ballistic Protection
    Ifanele: I-Bulletproof Vest/Plate/Helmet/Vehicle
    Indwangu: UD
    Isici: Isisindo Esilula
    Isitifiketi: ISO9001
    Ubukhulu: 0.2MM
    Material: uhmwpe fiber

  • Aramid UD BulletProof Ballistic Fabric

    I-Aramid UD BulletProof Ballistic Fabric

    200g/260g Bullet Ubufakazi be-Ballistic Aramid Fabric iyathengiswa
    Usayizi: 1.6 * 200m
    Isicelo:Ballistic Protection
    Indwangu:Aramid UD
    Isici:Isisindo Esilula
    Isitifiketi: ISO9001
    Ubukhulu: 0.2MM