Leading the world and advocating national spirit

U-Linry-pioneer emkhakheni we-bulletproofproducts, ukuze akhe ibhizinisi lesimanje lesayensi nobuchwepheshe elisezingeni lokuqala.



Amalungelo Obunikazi Obuchwepheshe Angaphezu Kwama-80

Izindaba kanye Nolwazi

  • Introduction of bulletproof helmets

    Ukwethulwa kwezigqoko ezivikela izinhlamvu

    Isigqoko sokuzivikela siyisigqoko sokuzivikela esinamandla aphezulu esenziwe ngezinto ezikhethekile ezifana ne-Kevlar ne-PE engakwazi ukuzivikela ngokumelene nezinhlamvu ngokwezinga elithile.

  • How to choose Bulletproof Plate

    Ungakhetha kanjani i-Bulletproof Plate

    Ukusetshenziswa kwezingcwecwe zobumba kwaqala ngo-1918, ngemva kokuphela kweMpi Yezwe I, lapho uColonel Newell Monroe Hopkins ethola ukuthi ukunameka izikhali zensimbi ngocwecwe lweceramic kwakuzosivikela kakhulu.

  • How to choose a Bulletproof Backpack

    Indlela yokukhetha i-Bulletproof Backpack

    Uma kuziwa emikhiqizweni engangenwa izinhlamvu, singaqala sicabange ngamavesti angangenwa izinhlamvu, amahawu angangenwa izinhlamvu, okokufaka okuvikela izinhlamvu nezinye izinto zokusebenza.

  • Characteristic of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene

    Isici se-ultra high molecular weight polyethylene

    Isisindo se-Ultra high tube molecular size sibe ngaphezu kwezigidi ezi-2, inkomba yokugqokwa incane, okukunikeza ukumelana okuphezulu kakhulu nokuslayida.

  • Tests for bulletproof vests and helmets

    Ukuhlolwa kwamavesti nama-bulletproof helmets

    Ukuthi ukusebenza kwe-bulletproof kuyi-bulletproof inkomba yokuqala yokuphepha.Ukuhlolwa kwenziwa elabhorethri ye-ballistic.

Iziteshi Zethu Zomphakathi

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